Red Bean Dessert


I got this great kitchen aid multi-cooker with my air miles points that is a slow-cooker, makes yogourt, cooks soup, simmers, etc. Anyways, enough about my kitchen gadgets. The reason I bring it up is because it’s great to cook this red bean dessert. If I’m home during the day I can just turn on the boil function and then turn it down to simmer until it’s cooked, or just turn on the slow-cooker function if I’m short on time.

This red bean dessert, is usually served as a dessert after a meal at a Chinese restaurant. But honestly, I don’t consider this a dessert at all. Bring on the proper desserts… cakes, cookies, etc! However, I do love to eat this for breakfast. My mom cooked this all the time, but I could never figure out how to make it because she never used any measurements. I finally found some measurements online and can make it myself.

This recipe makes about 1 litre, and is good for at least 4-6 portions depending on the size of your bowls. I also like to mix  in a little coconut milk or almond milk just before serving.

5 cups Water, reduce or add more depending on the consistency you like
200 g Red Beans (Azuki Beans)
79 g (1/3 cup) Black Glutinous Rice
42g (1/4 cup) Barley
a handful of Pak Hup (Lily Bulb)
4-5 Lotus Seeds
1-2 pieces Dried Mandarin Orange peel
3/4 – 1 cup Sugar (or to taste)
Coconut or Almond milk


  1. Bring water to boil
  2. Add red beans, barley, rice, lily, lotus seeds
  3. Reduce to simmer.
  4. Add mandarin orange peel and sugar after 30 minutes
  5. Continue to simmer until the beans and rice is soft, about 2 hours.
  6. Serve with coconut or almond milk.


  1. Put all ingredients (except sugar and orange) in a slow-cooker and cook it on high for 1 hour.
  2. Add in orange peel.
  3. Reduce the slow-cooker setting to low overnight.
  4. In the morning add sugar.
  5. Serve with coconut or almond milk.


  • This dessert can be served hot or cold
  • Remember that the heat enhances sweetness, so if you’re intending to eat it cold you might need to add more sugar. However, just before eating you could add maple syrup so that each person can adjust the sweetness to taste.
  • The amount of water used depends on the cooking temperature and how long it cooks. Top up with more boiling water if necessary. (I find if you use the pot method, you will need to add more water)
  • If you like the soup thicker, cook longer time to let some of the water evaporate.


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